
Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
On Sundays following worship, coffee (regular and decaf) and treats are available on the Parish Center patio, or inside the Parish Center during inclement weather. A table with treats and beverages specially selected for our youth is included.
Tuesday Morning Coffee and Conversation
Following the Tuesday Morning Eucharist, a group gathers for morning c…
Read More »Small Groups

St. Mike's offers several prayer and discussion groups that meet weekly or monthly. Enrich your spiritual life, learn something new, pitch in to help others, and connect with friends new and old by joining one or more of our small groups.
For current group topics, check our weekly worship bulletin announcement pages downloadable in PDF form here.
St. Mike's Sunday Conversations…
Read More »Friends of Music

Garrison Keillor, who is an Episcopalian, once wrote a piece about our fondness for music, which began like this:
"We make fun of Episcopalians for their blandness, their excessive calm, their fear of giving offense, their lack of speed and also for their secret fondness for macaroni and cheese. But nobody sings like them."
With his dry Midwestern humor, Keillor makes the point…
Read More »Parish Directory

St. Michael's uses the Breeze church management system. Breeze has self-service features that let you log on and quickly and easily maintain your contact information, connect with other parishioners, and manage your contributions to St. Michael's.
Login Instructions
Click here to access the secure Breeze directory
If you've forgotten your password, click here t…