Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 13 to 19, 2022

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is a small nonprofit that invests in making kindness the norm. They promote a belief that all people can connect through kindness and that kindness can be taught. For over 20 years, they have sponsored National Random Acts of Kindness Week. This year, St. Michael’s is taking part. Starting Sunday, February 13, a Kindness Kit will be posted each day with ideas for simple, easy ways to extend kindness in the world.
Kindness is Christ’s example. It’s the connective tissue that brings us together in church and is one of most simple but powerful ways we show that we care for one another and for this fragile earth, our island home. Kindness starts with one: one smile, one hug, one moment we transform into caring and compassion.
The Gospels show many examples of Jesus showing kindness to all in society. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus helps the teacher of the Law realize that showing kindness is much more important than deciding who is or isn’t a neighbor. Jesus’ call to ‘Go and do likewise’ has inspired many Christians to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’. However brief or small the gesture, experiencing kindness gives a sense of light and hope, to the receiver and to the giver.
Did you know there are scientifically proven benefits of being kind? Researchers at Stanford and UC Berkeley have corroborated positive physiological effects of kindness. These include a lower heart rate, decreased stress, increased energy, and more restful sleep. Perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol (the stress hormone) and age slower than the average population! The easiest way to experience kindness regularly is to extend it routinely to everyone you interact with. So make time this coming week to stretch your compassion ‘muscle’ and make a moment each day for a Random Act of Kindness.
For more information and resources, visit www.randomactsofkindness.org.
Tags: Community