Worship Services

Sunday Worship
Holy Eucharist: Rite II
9:30 am
In-person and Zoom
- Join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/stmikessunday2023
Meeting ID: 912 3096 9532
Passcode: cdm080100!
Weekday Worship
Holy Eucharist: Rite II
Tuesday at 8:30 am
In-person only
A Time of Prayer
First Wednesday of each month at 2:00 pm
Zoom only
- Join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/stmikessunday2023
Meeting ID: 912 3096 9532
Worship Bulletins

Download worship bulletins here in PDF format.
- Sunday, February 2
- Sunday, January 26
- Sunday, January 19
- Sunday, January 12
- Sunday, January 5 - Epiphany
- Sunday, December 29 - First Sunday after Christmas
- Sunday, December 22 - Advent 4
- Sunday, December 15 - Advent 3
- Sunday, December 8 - Advent 2
- Sunday, December 1 - Advent 1
- Sunday, November 24…
Serving in Worship

Opportunities for Participation in Worship Abound
Parishioners at St. Michael and All Angels can participate in worship in a variety of ways. In addition to participating in the choir, here are other ways that members of our congregation devote themsleves to developing spirituality in our worship.
Acolytes carry the cross and candles into and out of the sanctuary, and…
Read More »Music

Good music is integral to inspirational worship. This is one area where our parish is decidedly traditional. We have one of the finest organs in Orange County. The annual Corona del Mar Baroque Festival began here and at Sherman Gardens, and we are still the site of the yearly Monday evening recital. Additionally, we have a grand piano, a harpsichord, and hand bells: instruments …
Read More »Walking the Labyrinth

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness, combining the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world.
"I feel as though God walks beside me when I walk the labyrinth," says parishioner Peggy Montgomery. "It's a wonderful spot to meditate, to address probl…
Read More »Altar Flowers

In the Episcopal Church we have a tradition of offering flowers at the altar every Sunday, except in the seasons of Advent and Lent when we are in expectant and penitential moods. Every other Sunday is festive and we observe it by offering Christ and each other the gift of beauty from creation.
Members of the congregation sponsor altar flowers, chapel flowers, and the sanctuary li…