Welcome to St. Michael and All Angels!

Traditional. Modern. Inclusive.
At St. Michael’s we revere the ancient wisdom of Scripture and the Christian tradition. Our services are based on the liturgy from The Book of Common Prayer. We value good liturgy and music, strong preaching, and invigorating Christian education for all ages.
We are traditional, but not traditionalist. We strive to connect the teaching of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Gospel to what we experience in our everyday lives. Worship services are joyful and reverent but not stuffy. We believe we are called to be stewards of God’s creation and cherish the beauty of the land that surrounds us. We take the Bible seriously, but not literally.
We respect the dignity of every human being and value our differences. We give each other strength and comfort in times of difficulty and rejoice together in times of good fortune and grace. We welcome and embrace everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, or orientation.
We are more than a neighborhood church.
We are located in a Corona del Mar neighborhood, but we are much more than a neighborhood church. Members come from San Clemente, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa, and Rancho Mission Viejo. Many of parishioners drive by other Episcopal churches to get to Saint Michael and All Angels.
We invite you to join us!
We are a family of sisters and brothers in Christ,
learning together that the God's love and is real, radical, and healing.
When we center our minds, hearts, and mission on the love of God,
our differences and dissimilarities no longer divide us - they bless us.
Some of us are are discerning whether to make the Christian journey our own.
Some of us are new to the journey.
Some of us have been on the journey for decades.
Whatever your starting point, you are welcome to join us on the journey.
We are glad you’re here.
May the light and love of the Risen Christ
shine upon you this day and always.
-The Clergy and People of St. Michael's
The Vestry
The vestry's responsibility is to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.
- Mark Peterson - Senior Warden
- Julie Sheffield - Junior Warden
- Colette Spence - Clerk
- Stacie Tibbetts - Treasurer
- James …
The Parish Campus

Worship is centered in the sanctuary. For communion parishioners form a circle around the altar. A skylight directly above the altar allows natural light to suffuse the worship space. Eight large stained glass windows surrounding the altar depict holy figures important to the parish including Jesus, St. Michael, the Virgin Mary, and St. Francis. The organ dominates th…
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The clergy and staff of St. Michael and All Angels welcome you to the sacred journey of Baptism. We welcome all baptismal candidates, their families, and godparents into this community of faith.
To get started, download and complete this Application Form (PDF) then contact our church office at:
- 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625
- (949) 644-0463
- church@stmikescdm.org
St. Michael and All Angels is here to help you plan funerals and memorials for yourself or your loved one.
To get started, please download this Application Form (PDF) then contact our church office at
- 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625
- (949) 644-0463
- church@stmikescdm.org
Fee Schedule
Members | Non-Members | |
Funerals |
Weddings, Events, and Facility Rental
St. Michael and All Angels makes our sanctuary and facilities available to our parishioners and the general public for special events like weddings, funerals, meetings, seminars, and other celebrations and events. Below is a fee schedule that will give you an idea of what to expect.
For more information or to schedule an event, contact our church office at 949-644-0463 or ch…
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