Small Groups

St. Mike’s offers several prayer and discussion groups that meet weekly or monthly. Enrich your spiritual life, learn something new, pitch in to help others, and connect with friends new and old by joining one or more of our small groups.
For current group topics, check our weekly worship bulletin announcement pages downloadable in PDF form here.
St. Mike’s Sunday Conversations
11:00 am in Michael’s Room and on Zoom
Contact: Kim Montgomery
Tuesday Night at Mike’s
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm on Zoom
Contact: Beth Bianchi
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Fridays at 10:00 am
Please join us as we knit or crochet and pray!
Contact: Julie Jenkins at 949-244-7103
Men’s Fellowship Group
Thursdays at 8:30 am in the Davis Library
Contact: Kim Montgomery
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