Faith in Action
2023 Fundraising Recap
Mission & Outreach

In our baptismal covenant, we pledge to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. As members of St. Michael's, we also pledge to shine as a light in the world to the glory of God. To seek, serve, and shine by devoting ourselves to serve the most vulnerable in our community and around the world. All ministries come with the potential of transform…
Read More »Prayer Shawl Ministry

On Friday, October 1, 2021, St. Mike's launched a new ministry!
Prayer Shawl Ministries have spread throughout the country; the prayer shawls, knitted or crocheted with prayer and with love, bring warmth and comfort and a tangible reminder of the love of God and of this community.
We meet on Friday mornings at 10:00 am, outside on the patio when the weather permits. Yarn, needl…
Read More »Sharing Spaces Task Force

Update: October 7, 2024
Sharing Spaces Update
The Vestry of St. Michael and All Angels continues to explore ways in which we can both serve the larger community and address our short and long-term financial needs by stewarding use of our land and facilities.
In addition to continuing to welcome Brownies and Girl Scouts to our meeting rooms and basketball and volleyball leagues to ou…
Read More »Stewardship

Thank you for making a pledge to support St. Michael and All Angels in 2020! Please click READ MORE for a pledge form.
Read More »United Thank Offering

The United Thank Offering (UTO) of The Episcopal Church is a personal spiritual discipline of thanksgiving that supports God's mission throughout the world. UTO's ministry invites you to:
- Notice the good things that happen each day.
- Give thanks to God for those blessings.
- Make a thank offering for each blessing by dropping coins in your blue UTO Box.
- Watch as your bles…
Canterbury Irvine

Canterbury Irvine welcomes people who live, work, and learn at the University of California, Irvine, striving for openness, thoughtful dialogue, and spiritual growth on the UCI campus. Canterbury UCI strives to make visible an active Christian presence at UCI by providing a welcoming Episcopal ministry to nourish members in body, mind, and spirit. St. Michael's has supported Can…
Read More »Compass Rose Society

St. Michael and All Angels Corona del Mar and, separately, several of its parishioners are members of The Anglican Communion Compass Rose Society.
The Compass Rose Society was founded in 1997 to support the work of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican Consultative Council (which coordinates the activities of the 38 provinces of the Communion) and the Anglican Communion Off…
Read More »Mission Share Fund

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles lives out God’s mission as a Christian community uniting some 65,000 Episcopalians in 136 neighborhood congregations and mission centers, some 40 schools and 15 other specialized service institutions located in six Southern California counties. Los Angeles is historically one of the five most populous and culturally diverse of the Episcopal Ch…
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