Mission Share Fund

The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles lives out God’s mission as a Christian community uniting some 65,000 Episcopalians in 136 neighborhood congregations and mission centers, some 40 schools and 15 other specialized service institutions located in six Southern California counties. Los Angeles is historically one of the five most populous and culturally diverse of the Episcopal Church's 109 dioceses overall.
The Mission Share Fund (MSF) is the primary funding source for diocesan programs, institutions, and for 26 mission congregations. The MSF enables the diocese to minister in areas of need throughout the Southland — being the arms and face and hands of Christ. All parishes within the diocese pledge a percentage of operating income to the MSF.
Mission congregations are doing mission work. Our contribution to the MSF directly contributes to Christ’s mission in the world. It directly supports the important work that is feeding hungry hearts and bringing God’s love to places where it is most needed.