Support the mission and ministry of St. Michael and All Angels by using the form below to make a contribution. You may direct your contributions to a variety of funds by clicking on "to Current Pledge."
Log on to Breeze to review your recent contributions.
Click here to donate Altar Flowers or the Sanctuary Light Candle to Sunday Worship.
To make a one-time donation via PayPal, click here.
Give Proportionally

God loves us and gives to us at 100%! Everything we are and have in this world is a gift from God.
When you pray on the ways you will give back to God, consider making your monetary contribution proportional to your annual income. The key to proportional giving is to think in terms of a percentage, not a flat amount.
The Biblical standard, and the standard of the Episcopal Chur…
Read More »Give via IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

Did you know that you can "avoid" paying taxes on your annual IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) with a qualified charitable distribution (QCD)?
If you are 70½ or older, and required to take an annual distribution from your IRA, you can use those funds to make a gift to St. Michael's (or any other qualified charity) to satisfy that obligation, and not pay income tax on t…
Read More »Give via PayPal
To make a one-time gift to St. Mike's, scan the QR code below.
If you are a pledging member, your gift will be counted toward your pledge.