Vacation Bible School - July 8 and 15

St. Mike's Vacation Bible School theme this year is Journey with the Saints to South America.
The calendar dates are two Friday nights:
- July 8 and 15
- 5:30 pm to 7:45 pm
We will be exploring the themes of the Amazon River and the RainForest in Brazil. We will also be discussing the Saints in the countries of Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and Chile.
VBS is for children ages 3-11 years old. Older teens can sign up to be "Youth Helpers" and Community Service hours can be signed off.
Nursery Care is provided for the duration of the evening.
For more info, contact Susan Caldwell ( or call our church office at (949) 644-0463.
Sign up your child early!
Note: registration form will open in a new window.
Tags: Families / Youth Group - Ages 11-14 / Godly Play - Ages 4-10