Sunday, November 19: Alternative Gift Fair

St. Mike’s Alternative Gift Fair is a fun way to skip the stress of holiday shopping and accumulation of “stuff” while honoring your friends and family with donations to causes that fit their values: MOMS Orange Co, Free Wheelchair Mission, Heifer International, and UNICEF. Also offered, Michael’s Market, which will feature our own talents and passions!
Are you a crafter? Seamstress? Woodworker? Artist? Do you have something to bring to that table? Or can you offer an experience that could be placed in silent auction such as time in a vacation home or on your boat? You can be part of The Fair and support the good work of St. Mike’s!
Donate Cookies and Plants for the Alternative Gift Fair
Fellowship will be supporting the Alternative Gift Fair with donations of home baked cookies or potted plants to be sold at the fair. Please bring your donations to the Parish Hall Kitchen by 8:30 am for pricing. We will have plastic wrap and ribbon available.
Contact Lynn Headley (714) 920-7981 or Beth Bianchi (949) 636-3418
Tags: Mission & Outreach