Sunday, Dec. 4 - Betsy Densmore, Guest Homilist

Betsy Densmore is guest homilist at Saint Michael’s on Giving Sunday, December 4, as we conclude the 2022 Stewardship Campaign. Betsy is co-founder of Episcopal Enterprises which helps churches like Saint Michael’s find ways to fund powerful visions for ministry beyond what churches can collect in pledges and tithes. She is a current board member of Innovative Housing Opportunities and The Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. Betsy founded the Academies for Social Entrepreneurship, an educational organization dedicated to linking the passion of social purpose with sustainable business practices. As ASE’s Director, she has worked with over three hundred not-for-profit organizations, catalyzing tens of millions of dollars in new revenue for innovative charitable ventures. Densmore is an entrepreneur herself, having founded three hospitality businesses, an insurance agency, and two nonprofit organizations. In her spare time, she co-owns and manages two Great Mex Grill restaurants in Costa Mesa.