Help a new baby ride safely.

St. Mike’s Summer Project 2023
This year’s Summer Project is a fundraising campaign for our Mission partner, MOMS Orange County. They have asked for donations to help with their car seat program that provides car seats free of charge to vulnerable mothers awaiting a newborn baby.
This is an opportunity for us to help families protect their children while strengthening our relationship with MOMS Orange County. If you are interested in participating, please make your check out to St. Michael & All Angels with MOMS Orange County on the memo line. We will be accepting contributions through Labor Day (September 4, 2023).
Learn more about MOMS Orange County on their website at
For details, contact Mary Bailey
St. Mike’s Mission Ministry’s Lenten Project 2022 raised $2000 for MOMS, providing enough money for 20 car seats. 90% of their families live below the poverty line and cannot afford that expense.
A note of thanks from MOMS OC:
“I just wanted to say a quick note of thanks for the very generous donation from St. Michael’s congregation, as well as the donation of baby items today. We are very excited to know that we have sufficient funding to purchase car seats for the families who need them. We are planning some car seat educational activity in the near future with the CHP and State Farm where we will invite client families to receive their car seat and also receive one-on-one installation instruction from CHP. Thanks to the compassionate friends at St. Michael’s, we can reach the most vulnerable and wrap them with protection.”
—Andrea Pronk-Dunn, Chief Development Officer
Tags: Mission & Outreach