Expanding Our Vision: Sharing Spaces Task Force

Challenges and opportunities—they often seem to come together. This is true of the explorations your Vestry is spearheading: how we meet our financial needs here at St. Michael’s and how we serve the needs of the wider community.
We spent time at our Vestry Retreat in June considering the challenges and opportunities, and stemming from that, set up a Task Force on Sharing Spaces. The Task Force team leads reported to the congregation at the Parish Town Meeting on September 11th and continue to seek ways of moving toward these goals.
Team A, chaired by Steve Morris, is looking at ways to provide space for outside groups and activities. We have a beautiful campus; how do we open it up for others to use? Team B, led by Mary Bailey, is looking at how we might provide space for faith communities, as we have done for St. Monica’s Coptic Church. If you hear of any group looking for a place to be, please contact Mary. Lead by Ali Haghjoo and Louise Stover, Team C is looking at low-income housing opportunities. They have met with representatives of Habitat for Humanity and will be contacting several other Episcopal churches which are building low-income housing on their properties.
If you have ideas or suggestions, please let any Vestry member know. Think big! Expand our vision of sustainability and service!