Annual 9/11 Blood Drive at St. Michael’s
September 11, 2024, marks the 23rd anniversary of the unforgettable 2001 attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Once again St. Michael’s partners with the Red Cross to provide a life-affirming, communal activity to commemorate this event in our history.
The 9/11 Commemorative Red Cross Blood Drive is on September 11, from 9am to 3pm in St. Michael’s Room.
Click here to sign up. Appointments are recommended and a photo ID is required.
The need for safe blood products is constant. Blood is used every 2-3 minutes in America, not only in emergencies but in intensive care units, the NICU, and for patients in treatment for illnesses such as cancer.
One hour of your day and one pint of your blood directly affects the lives of up to 3 people.
Are you medically unable to donate? Be a volunteer. Volunteers are the key to making the drive run smoothly!
Why not give an hour, give a pint, or volunteer for an hour or two?
Never Forget 9/11